Sunday, September 26, 2021

football gallery

ok I've created a new football gallery and it's my first time in years trying my hand out at football photos... and at night yet.. so the photos are kinda dark.. but I think they came out well. click the link and let me know what you think

oh boy it's been a long time

I really should try and update this more often... i've changed my website a bit as far as the sports photos go. I now have different folders for different sports instead of all jumbled into one. So that is an improvement.. I need to boost my web exposure.. I need to figure out how to market myself more anyone want to help? ok so i've gotten into taking soccer and football in addition to my hockey .. and sometimes baseball photos...come check out my galleries main site is here : also had a run of bad luck.. .. had my garage broken into and a lot of stuff taken... if it wasn't for bad luck I would have no luck at all?