Wednesday, November 17, 2010

crushes and carnage roller - derby

I went to the crushes and carnage event at the winnipeg convention center this past weekend (Saturday November 13, 2010) and it was lots of fun. This is the first time that I have gone to a derby event and I will go to another one. I believe the next one is on February 19th, 2011 and I plan on being there.

I posted 180 photos to my website and I hope you like them. I took way more then that but I pared it down to 180. next time I may sit closer to the action and see what I can get.

if you want to see photos check out the website
here is the link

and a photo

news article for the raiders hockey team

today a news article was posted online and will be printed in the "times" community newspaper this week.
follow this link

you will see the photo that was chosen.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I started a new page

in facebook for my photos that I take for the MMJHL Junior Raiders hockey team come and check it out

Saturday, September 25, 2010

view the moon

I added a new gallery and 15 images of the moon taken on september 18th, 2010 while in grand marais, I had wanted the sunset but since i was a little late ..I turned around and got the moon.

these photos are all handheld, only postwork done is a little cropping

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lake of the Woods

I have uploaded 80 photos to a new gallery called "Lake of the Woods" these photos were taken while on a pontoon boat and taking a tour of lake of the woods. The boat usually serves as a taxi to Coney Island Beach.

The photo included here I took while waiting for the boat.

you can find the gallery here:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

added gallery for Kenora 2010

I have added a gallery and 101 photos to my website under a gallery named Kenora 2010. I will be adding photos to the 2nd gallery soon....

here is the link to the gallery

Thursday, June 17, 2010

added more images to my winnipeg zoo page

and yes..lions are now here :D

link to the gallery

favorite lion photo

added new gallery

for spruce woods manitoba

you can find the gallery here:

one of my favorite images from that weekend is:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

adding 37 images to my sunset page

I have added 37 images to my sunset page on my website. some of the photos are from hecla and are also in my hecla gallery. I figure they belong in both galleries. the sunsets from grand marais in grand beach provincial park will only be added to my sunset page.
the photo shown was taken at grand marais manitoba

the link to the gallery is here:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

new photos added to my hecla island page

I added 128 new photos to my hecla island page as I spent the weekend there.
go check them
I think this one turned out cool

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Delta Marsh

Some photos taken while visiting Delta Marsh and Delta Beach. All of the photos were taken with my olympus e300 dslr and worked on using dynamic photo hdr.

walk of fame - fargo

I added a page for the "walk of fame" in Fargo, ND. More information about the walk of fame is included on the page along with the photos

Added more photos to my red river zoo page

I now have 64 images on the website :D
the page is here:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

red river zoo in fargo, nd

well, we took a trip to the states this past weekend and on saturday drove from east grand forks, to fargo for the day because I wanted to see the zoo. The admission for the zoo is $8.00 and it was only open for 4 hours. New hours I think are starting may 1st. We spent around 2 hours in the zoo looking at all the animals and taking photos. the main attraction at that zoo are the wolves. At 1:30 pm they feed the wolves and while they are putting the food around the wolf display there is a zoo keeper on a microphone telling us all about the wolves and what they feed them and how. Once the food is out..they let the wolves back in the area and they run around looking for the food. I did take a lot of photos of the wolves and of course the other animals. So far I have worked on 47 images but I took over 700 so I will look at more soon. I also have other galleries to work on . I did go to thief river falls and have a few photos to put up ..but not that many as the weather was still pretty cool ....and I didn't get a chance to take many photos.
one of my favorite wolf photos is here:

the link to the site for the red river zoo is here:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

added gallery to manitoba views

All of the photos uploaded to the Senkiw view gallery were taken october 21, 2006 with a 6 megapixel Olympus camera. I will hopefully stop off there again one day soon.

the gallery is here:

I added a new gallery under 3d imaging

called "poser renders"
so far 101 images have been uploaded

while you're there check out the other 2 galleries - daz renders and vue renders as i've added a few images to each gallery

added a cats gallery

I added a cats gallery under the animals section and so far uploaded 28 photos.

you can find the gallery here:

added an ontario folder and gallery

well, I decided to add some new galleries to the site. I added photos from ontario that I took back in 2006, I initially wasn't going to do that but I figured what the heck its a good backup system for the photos as well..
you can find the gallery here:

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Added more sunrise and sunset photos

I added 14 more sunrise images to the site and 4 more sunset images to the sunset gallery.

the image shown is one of the sunrise images I have added to the gallery

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Gallery Added

I added a new gallery called sunrises

All of the photos uploaded so far were taken yesterday morning I will add more from other days in the near future

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A new year a new start

Well its now 2010 and I am going to make a new start. Most of the photos that I've been taking lately have been just hockey. I haven't really gone anywhere lately. Once the weather gets a little better I am sure I will go take photos again. I am using the Olympus E 300 dslr camera now and I like it. Even though its not the same as the one I had I am getting the hang of it.

This blog is now directly linked to my website as I have it part of the menu items.

I have been doing more renders lately with my 3d programs and I plan on putting the renders on the website as well. I have become a vendor on and have a couple of background packs for sale there as well.

there's the link to my store.